1. Pecado Capital (1998) - The Movie Database
1998 • 7 Episodes Season 1 of Pecado Capital premiered on October 5, 1998. Chapter 7 (1x7, October 12, 1998)
2. Pecado Capital (TV Series 1975-1976) - The Movie Database
Carlão is a taxi driver who experiences a drama of conscience after fleeing bank robbers leave a suitcase with stolen money in his car.
Carlão is a taxi driver who experiences a drama of conscience after fleeing bank robbers leave a suitcase with stolen money in his car: he doesn't know whether to hand it over to the police, running the risk of being accused of being an accomplice in the robbery, or whether to use the money to solve his problems.
3. Pecado Capital - Stage 32
... film tells the story of what may become capable of making himself the human greed for money. [tagline] => [comps] => [imdb] => 6761510 [origin_country] => 0 ...
4. PECADO CAPITAL | Promofest.org
Sinopsis / Synopsis. El cortometraje narra la historia de lo que puede llegar a ser capaz de hacerse a sí mismo el ser humano por la avaricia del dinero.
País de Producción / Country of Production: ESPAÑA - SPAIN
5. Pecado Capital | Cinecartaz - Público
Pecado Capital · Título Original · Realizado por · Elenco · Sinopse · Críticas Ípsilon · Críticas dos leitores · Envie-nos a sua crítica · Do mesmo realizador.
Quando perde o comboio que apanha todos os dias para ir para o trabalho, o publicitário Charles Schine (Clive Owen) repara em Lucinda Harris (Jennifer Aniston). Apesar de serem ambos casados, um dia a conversa transforma-se numa noite apaixonada.
6. Pecado Capital Cast & Crew - Moviefone
Cast ; Betty Faria. as Maria Lúcia Batista (Lucinha)/ Lucy Jordan ; Francisco Cuoco. as José Carlos Moreno (Carlão) ; Rosamaria Murtinho. as Eunice Saraiva ; Lima ...
Full cast and crew of the TV Show Pecado Capital
7. Pecado Capital - FlixPatrol
5 okt 1998 · Pecado Capital. TV Show | Brazil ... FlixPatrol also offers selected movie analytics for movies everyone's watching or VOD release dates.
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8. Pecado Capital Cast & Crew - Moviefone
Pecado Capital Cast & Crew · Cast · Movie Reviews · TV Reviews · Follow Moviefone · Latest Trailers.
Full cast and crew of the TV Show Pecado Capital
9. Pecado Films - Triodos Bank
Bescrhijving alleen beschikbaar in het Spaans. Leonor, interpretada por Anna Castillo, y Estrella, Lola Dueñas, son madre e hija, 2 mujeres de generaciones muy ...
Leonor, interpretada por Anna Castillo, y Estrella, Lola Dueñas, son madre e hija, 2 mujeres de generaciones muy diferentes que viven juntas y comparten miedos